Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

update again

so,it's been aloooonngg time since my last updated post.

currently i'm struggling with my research to get my degree. and as always, stress always my major factor to make my acne worse again.

I read a blog, and she said the basic of your scincare routine is the most important thing.

well, currently my routine :

cleansing - benzoyl peroxide or BHA the other day - moisturizer

can you see? I skip 1st cleansing(cleansing oil/balm), hydrating toner, and sunblock, which I think important . but I haven't put them on my routine because I couldn't find a product that atleast won't react negatively to my skin.

well, actually BP and BHA make my skin dry in some spot and sometime make my acne worse. but I don't have a choice. I don't know what to wear anymore.
And I couldn't take more pills cause it makes me wanna threw up ><

Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

korean skincare

ok, I realy curiouse about korean skincare product after watching some videos on youtube and read some blog.

you may check biibiibeauty blog. I realy amaze how she finally found the perfect solution for her skin problem. I wish i could find mine as soon as possible *cry

btw, there is interesting website, called wishtrend they sell many amazing product. they often make video review about many product :D .  their youtube channel ---> WISHTrendTV

I really wanted to try Klairs product, soap , cleansing oil , serum & cream. . But I could find someone who sell it in Indonesia, and as student who haven't a job, I couldn't afford it all.
But I already save some money. I hope after I finish KKN ( what's the word is in english? : KKN is a schedule held by my University where we live in another city, that the city need help. We, from different department try to apply our knowledge to help people there.)

it will be ended in mid Aug.

wish me luck ;)

current skin condition

have you ever feel so strees that your skin react negatively for any kind of skincare product you ever use? well, i feel it  now.

i don't know what's wrong with me, with my face. i try to sleep more, drink more water, reduce sugar intake. but it's not work at all.

until now, i just put naturallythinking floral water : geranium and chamomile to calm down my face. it works well. but after couple hour, my skin back to super reactive again. with oily, redness, flaky skin aroun my cheek.

maybe my skin feel tired with skincare I put on.
tonight, I plant to stop using skincare and just using cleanser and floral water as toner.

I'll tell you my progress later.


Indonesia :

Pernah ngga sih ngerasa stres saat kulit wajah kamu bereaksi negatif ke berbagai skincare yang kamu pakai?
aku bingung masalah kulit aku dimana? aku udah coba tidur lebih awal, bawa air 1 liter ke kampus, ngurangin ngemil2 ngga jelas. tapi tetap aja kulit aku ngga beres.

buat ngurangin merah2, aku pake floral water naturallythinking buat di kompres di wajah. it works sih, tapi cuma beberapa saat. ntar balik lagi, merah2 mengelupas, bruntusan semuka.

kayaknya kulit aku butuh istirahat dari skincare deh.
mau ngetes dulu. buat seminggu ini cuma pake cleanser dan floral water aja.

wish me luck.

ntar aku post perkembangannya.

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

another post about my score and ....

so, all score have just showed up at my univ. web. and guest what....
i got 2,58 out of 4...
the lowest score i ever had for last 4 semester.

nothing i can blame on. it's just me. my fault.

i fell bad for this.
my parents just want me to get good score. not PERFECT score. but I present them with. BAD score....

i haven't tell them yet.
i hope the never ask my score.

one thing.holiday is coming for 1 mounth, and i wanna borrow my friends books, but i'm sick of their comment about me to be tooo deligent.
well, i'm a person who learn slow... i must smell, cut, and chew my material subject before i understand what i'm learning right now.
sometime i feel jealous with friends who understend after reading a textbook for couple hours.

but i remember one thing. God give what we need. not what we want..


so,I wanna proof the're wrong.


btw, my english is getting worse. I forgot how to spell many words... T_T

it's holiday.it's time to do whatever I wanna do :D


Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

falling slowly

it's been a long time since my last post...
so today i wanna post something about "falling slowly"

it's a song...
i've been searching this song for a loooong time.
i heard this song when i'm in junior high school, and i don't know any single word from the singer. and today, when i'm doing my randow searching, because i was tired with my collage assignment. aaannddd... i found it on youtube when i saw someone from korean drama sing that song...
omg.... thanks to him who did it :D

it's one of my favorite song....

Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

if only

sometime i think if we can live like a novel story.
have a bestfriend. the real one
i don't know... i feel i lost them. we both so busy (they are all in different department). so it`s hard to have same free time and hangout...
i wanna have a bestfriend where i can tell them my secret,my happiness,sadness....

with my close friend now,i just could't tell them.

Sabtu, 14 September 2013

my room and my mid term

can't wait for my new room....:D
there are so many stuff i wanna put on.
next week i 'm going to buy some fabric and start my project.